hotjar If we talk about the leading heat map tool, we have to mention Hotjar. Developed for marketers, product managers and UX designers, this tool has many features that will make your website analysis incredibly professional. In addition to providing us with heatmaps, it offers a user session recording service, user satisfaction surveys, conversion funnel […]

The most common use of heat maps is to increase the conversion rates of business landing pages, or even emails. To identify the causes of a low conversion rate on a landing page, we may use click and motion heat maps, combined with quantitative analytics tools such as Google Analytics, to perform comprehensive analysis and […]

By performing click tracking analysis, that is, identifying what and how many clicks are made on a site (Google Analytics performs this function for example) we obtain quantitative information. Heat maps provide us with QUALITATIVE information, since they provide us with data that forces us to ask ourselves why events occur on our websites or […]

Through Tiktok Ads you can configure ads for your page: thanks to the commitment of the application and the amount of advertising is not yet high, this is a good time to promote your company, during its growth boom. But advertising on TikTok is not essential when it comes to growing up, especially if you […]

Largest Contentful Paint (LPC): It refers to the time for the display of the longest content, it measures the loading performance of your website. To provide a good experience, the LCP must occur within 2.5 seconds of your page starting to load; The best thing for the positioning of web pages is that these times […]

Adapt the website to the profile of the ideal or objective user: If you have already done research and segmentation (targeting) and you already have the profile of your objective user and you can apply it to the web. It uses the defined information to adapt colors, images or part of your writing according to […]

And although these two concepts are related, it does not mean that they depend on each other. We will teach you what are the differences between both, UX design and UI design. User Interface is about reason, while User eXperience is about emotion: Although both head in different directions, they must coincide in the search […]

We define the UI (User Interface) as the user interface, that is, the intention to guide the user through the application during the time he uses it. The moment a user enters your website, he will find specific actions to navigate the page. The user interface design will allow users to be guided and take […]

A few days ago on faltronsoft Social Networks we dedicated a post to design and many of our followers have asked us many questions: What is UX / UI design? What is each one used for? And that is why we have decided to dedicate a complete article on our Blog to clarify all your […]

Because having a website does not guarantee sales, we have dedicated this new article on the Xavier Sánchez Blog attacking a problem that may arise when starting out: INCREASING THE SALES OF YOUR ONLINE STORE. If you have an Online Store and you do not receive too many visits or all the sales that you […]

If you want your business / venture / brand to grow, you need to know your customers well, know what they think, want, feel and need. And from this point provide the best experience for buyers. Imagine entering the mind of your target audience, understanding what they want, and thus offering more appropriate products, services, […]
