Answer the public. Present through infographics what people search for on Google and how. It is essential to investigate the needs that our potential clients have, thus responding to them with copywrites. Answer the public allows us to search for a specific topic and delve into its related searches, segmenting according to geographic location and […]

Know your audience The more you know about the composition, tastes, preferences and habits of your readers, the better chance you have of capturing their attention. An investigation about the target audience will allow us to take better advantage of our resources, targeting readers interested in our content. In this way, you will also rule […]

(CTA) Now that we know the concept of what we should do with CTAs, we can see the different formats in which you can place them on your web page or RRSS. BUTTONS Usually used on the home page of websites or online stores. One of its main characteristics, in addition to performing an action, […]
