Well, the moment of truth has arrived, now we will teach you the best tactics to get customers and retain them with your brand. Pay attention to each of them, since all of them together will achieve the best results. Communicate as if you were human One of the main consumer complaints regarding customer service, […]

When we start with the project for our company it is necessary to know what we have and what we need to achieve our goals, Digital Marketing offers the following objectives as a method of help: Attract new customers and increase sales: What every company seeks is to sell what it is offering, but for […]

Automation processes are defined as those that allow tasks that require time to be carried out without the need for human resources. This platform automatically executes these details, freeing up the workload to focus on other aspects. With this functionality of ActiveCampaign, the site is tracked automatically along with their respective interactions. In this way, […]

Many of you will wonder what marketing automation is and how it can help you in your professional day-to-day. For this reason, as commercial activities progress and enter the digital universe, the need to develop automated solutions in the different units of the companies is generated, in order to speed up the work of workers, […]

What is the Customer Journey? The customer journey is the path that the customer follows from when he has a need until he becomes a satisfied customer. It is an important concept because it helps us understand how we can improve our business and better meet the needs of our customers. Therefore, the customer journey […]

If Microsoft decides to launch only one Home windows 10 feature improve yearly, some prospects — notably shoppers and small businesses operating unmanaged Home windows 10 Pro PCs — will likely be pressured into extra work than they’d banked on. social media agency adalah Play video files, including damaged ones, in all in style formats. […]
