Google believes that Web Vitals are essential to the development and experience of a web page; For this very reason, they decided to make metrics appear in their most popular tools, and many of them are compatible with Core Web Vitals. Here we show you which ones:
Chrome User Experience Report: This collects real and anonymous user data for each Core Web; which allows you to evaluate the performance that your website is having more quickly.
But they don’t always provide the specific telemetry per page view that’s needed to accurately diagnose and react to regressions. It also augments tools like PageSpeed Insights and the Search Console Core Web Vitals report.
JavaScript: An easy way to measure the performance of Core Web Vitals is by using the Web-Vitals JavaScript library, which measures metrics in a way that is consistent with how they are reported by all Google tools. Once you add the data from your Core Webs to an analysis point, what follows is to create a report that includes that data to find out if your pages meet the estimated percentage for around 75% visits or interactions with your page .
Within this tool there is the Web Vitals Report, which gives you the possibility of measuring your Core Webs through Google Analytics and you have precise graphs of your performance and that of your page.
Lab Tools: While most Core Webs are measured in the field and with more precise metrics, several of them can be measured in a “lab.” This kind of measurement is the most convenient to test the performance of a function during its development, that is, before it is published and shared; they also serve to measure regressions you might have before they actually happen. The following tools can measure Core Webs in a lab: Chrome DevTools and Lighthouse (although they can only be used when we want to measure LCP and CLS). But also remember that the laboratory measurement is not a substitute for the field measurement and can even be affected by various factors (the condition of the user’s network, whether or not he is carrying out another activity on the device, the interaction with the page, etc.) . This is why field measurement is essential to have an accurate view of the data.
PageSpeed Insights: Provides data on page performance on both cell phones and computers and offers tips to improve it. Integrates the data within the Chrome User Experience report
(CrUX) that shows the statistics of each website and provides data from the First Contentful Paint (FCP) and DOMContentLoaded (DCL) metrics. And also compares the average of each of them with the data included in the CrUX report and once this is done they are assigned to one of these categories:
Fast: The metric average is in the fastest third of all page loads.
Slow: The metric average is in the slowest third of all page loads.
Normal: The metric average is in the middle third of all page loads.
And then an overall speed score is calculated taking into account the category that each metric had previously:
Fast: all metrics for a page are in the top third
Slow: Some metric for a given page is in the slowest third.
Normal: includes the rest of the cases.
Some recommendations to improve your scores…
Once you have measured and identified the areas of Core Web Vitals on the rise, all that remains is to optimize. The guides that we leave you below will help you know how to optimize depending on the type of Core Web Vital.
Optimize LCP
Optimize FID
Optimize CLS