Lead Scoring: What are its uses and benefits?

Lead Scoring: What are its uses and benefits?

In recent years, all companies have been forced to automate their processes in all their departments, and use technology to capture their potential customers and expand relationships with their real customers. The assessment of prospects or potential customers is a nerve center within marketing departments, and that is why many companies currently rely on Lead Scoring to develop their sales strategies.

But, what is Lead Scoring and what are its uses and benefits within a company?

Join me to learn a little more about the union of technology and advertising!

What is lead scoring?

I will start by clarifying that it is a lead. Within the world of marketing, a lead is understood to be a user who is qualified as a potential customer and that we have obtained their personal data (full name, email, telephone, etc.).

Lead scoring is a methodology used in automated marketing to automatically catalog potential potential customers (captured leads) through a scale that represents the real interest of people regarding the services or products offered by a company.

What are the differences between lead scoring and lead nurturing?

Lead scoring and lead nurturing, two automated marketing strategies that complement each other, with the aim of turning these potential customers into real customers of your online business. However, each of them has its own characteristics and functionalities. Let’s see how they differ.

Lead scoring: automatically classifies potential customers, grouping them under a scale of points to determine their predisposition to purchase, based on people’s reaction to advertising campaigns and the actions that potential buyers take within the digital environment of the company. company. The main benefits of this system are:
Establish a reliable database of potential customers.
Greater effectiveness of the sales team, since they specifically target qualified customers.
Segment the database.
Develop your advertising based on the predisposition to purchase of your users.
Lead nurturing: is the process by which a reciprocity is established with clients, providing them with a constant wave of useful, timely and effective information through actions and automated marketing campaigns such as online help strategies, downloadable tutorials, or links to pages that have more information about the product or service purchased, in order to establish a bond of familiarity, friendship and trust between the company and the client.


Types of Lead Scoring

There are two types of lead scoring that help us segment our database. These are the following:

One-dimensional Lead Scoring: This scoring model is used to distinguish leads in a score range between zero and one hundred points. It is based on the potential customer’s tendency to buy a service, a product or achieve a specific goal.
Multidimensional lead scoring: with this system, several parameters are taken into account to segment the information, including: whether or not the customer knows the company; if the person is already in the purchase process or has not started; level of interaction of potential customers with the company’s social networks and even takes into account the time that a customer uses a specific product.

What is the lead scoring matrix?

The lead scoring matrix is a graphic analysis of a company’s lead scoring process, that is, counting the scores that have been assigned to each lead according to the established parameters and presenting them graphically. Although the lead scoring process is unique for each company, there are three elements that cannot be missing from a matrix:

The activity of the leads: It is calculated based on the behavior of the potential client and the interactions with your brand.
Determine the aptitude of the leads: This value is computed based on the data that users have provided us spontaneously.
Negative or discard criteria: The factors that cause a lead’s score to drop must be taken into account.

What are the lead scoring tools?

Currently there are many lead scoring tools, among them we can mention and recommend the following:

Lead scoring salesforce: With this system, each prospect is assigned a score, from 1 to 99, which is usable in opportunity observations and list samples. If you handle collaborative forecasts, the score is also available on the forecasts page. Plus, use scores with reports, workflows, and Process Builder.

Hubspot lead scoring: Hubspot’s predictive scoring uses machine instruction to analyze millions of pieces of data to pinpoint top leads, saving time and work.

Lead scoring zoho crm: Zoho Marketing Automation offers a variety of lead scoring that can be used to qualify your leads and reveal their place in the sales pipeline. Any lead with an unbiased score can be considered for marketing and sales.

Lead scoring Dynamics 365: With this tool you can calculate a score for each potential client in relation to demographic data, the actions carried out by the potential clients or filmographic details. Scores include, for example: submitting a landing page, opening an email, visiting your website, or attending a corporate event.

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Gerard Heperd

Gerard Heperd
