How to Use Lighting and Composition to Achieve Great Results in Photography

How to Use Lighting and Composition to Achieve Great Results in Photography

Most times it’s not the lens you use or the camera. It’s not the tripod working or the process of trying to focus on distance. What matters in photography are lighting, subject, and composition.

All good photos consist of light. Without light, can anything be shot? The same thing can be said of the subject. Your subject defines the visual weight of your photos and your composition is how everything is arranged.

Lighting, subject, and composition when used sufficiently give your photos more depth and meanings. The opinions of photographers on review websites such as have revealed how to blend these elements and use them to your advantage. Sourced from them, the following photography tips and ideas about light and composition will help you achieve great results in photography.

·         Attention

No photographer creates in a vacuum. One way or the other, every photographer wants as much people’s attention drawn to their piece as possible. Lighting and composition are great elements to achieve this. Through size, color, and shape, modifications can always be made to heighten the subject, especially if your subject is an interesting one.

·         Balance

Visual balance is when order equals space. It is the thoughtful arrangement of lighting, subject, and composition. Balance is in 3 types — symmetry, asymmetry, and radial. When you look at photos and you feel quite at ease with them, it’s possibly balanced at work. Use composition to seek out the balance by paying attention to colors, lighting, and the way the subject of your photo is positioned.

  • Contrast

One great form of lighting and composition, contrast allows you to add dimension to your photo by shuffling between light and dark. You can experiment with shape and size to hit the ideal focus and contrast you want. Most photos with contrasts turn out to be great silhouettes.

·         Positioning

We take positioning to mean camera positions and other arrangement techniques such as the rule of thirds. Positioning is thus before and after photography. Before taking the shots, you can adjust your composition by moving your camera around to hit a good spot. After photography, you can modify to meet the rule of thirds or simply frame your photos.

·         Movement

Both lighting and compositions mean a great deal of movement to your photography. They are about seeing, applying, arranging, and modifying. You see the lighting elements and shoot. When you want to focus on certain subjects, you apply composition by arranging and modifying. No doubt, this movement is procedural but it is necessary.

·         Creativity

Whatever these elements are, what would help you achieve great results from their use is creativity. Always try to do something different. Combine colors to make a different shade of light. Sometimes focus on other details in the people instead of the central object. Compose your accents, style, and weight.

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Gerard Heperd

Gerard Heperd
