How to make an empathy map in 6 steps?

How to make an empathy map in 6 steps?

The most widely used Empathy Map model is this, and we will indicate step by step how to know each square:

empathy map model
Now that you have a visual of how to organize the Empathy Map questions for your business, let’s see what is the best way to answer each of the aspects.

As you can see, it is subdivided into 6 different sections:

what do you see
Put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and describe the environment in which it operates and its social context.
He talks about the environment in which he operates, understands his daily life and the opportunities it offers him.
How is the world in which the person lives?
How are your friends?
What is the most common thing in your daily life?

That hears?

In this section you must understand what influences you receive within your world.
That is, what media do you consume, what advertising impact does it receive, what public figures can influence with your message…
Here, think about what your person hears not only in the sense of sound, music or conversations, but also the influences from various sources, such as the media. You can seek to answer questions such as:
What people and ideas influence you?
Who are your idols?
What are your favorite brands?
What communication products do you consume?

What do you think and what do you feel?

Describe what your worries and concerns are from your day to day.
Analyze in depth what their aspirations and desires are; knows your concerns and the values that represent you as a person.
To answer this question, think carefully about what your beliefs, dreams, worries and daily emotions are.
How does your client feel about the world?
What are your concerns?
What are your dreams?

What does he say and what does he do?

You must describe how he behaves, and if there is any contradiction between what he says and how he acts.
To get to know a customer better, you have to know how they behave in different environments; for example: in public, in private, with co-workers, with friends and with family. You must also identify how he speaks in that environment.
What do you usually talk about?
At the same time, how does it act?
Which are your hobbies?

What efforts do you make?

At this point you will be able to understand what risks you are facing and what problems arise along the way.
Describe what your fears and frustrations are, and what obstacles and barriers you may encounter on your life path.
What are you afraid of?
What are your frustrations?
What obstacles must you overcome to get what you want?

What results do you expect to get?

Finally, describe what success would mean for this person. That is, what real need or desire do you want to satisfy and how do you think you can do it?
What is success for you?
Where do you want to go?
What would end their problems?

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Gerard Heperd

Gerard Heperd
