Attract customers with paid traffic

Attract customers with paid traffic

Like the previous one, they are ways of attracting customers but investing money in different strategies. For example, advertising in videos, search engines, social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, etc.) or in the ads of another web page, search for sponsors who wish to promote or publish about your product on their blog, social network or even a digital magazine. . Today we are going to tell you and teach you a little about some of these methods: how much are seen today:

Interactive web pages:
An interactive page gives us the possibility of interacting with our web visitors and thus being able to know in real time and directly what they are interested in and need. In addition, a benefit beyond knowing our customers is the possibility of adding much more elaborate and educational animations or posts to enrich and improve the user experience, it is important to be aware and update our content to contain our visitors and turn them into customers. long term.

Xavier Sánchez can help you build the website tailored to your business that you were looking for, offering your clients any functionality you have in mind. From a simple landing page where you can book an appointment, to web applications with multiple functions such as sharing photos, files, chatting, giving opinions, among others. Ask about our web development services!

It is about requesting the sponsorship of a brand, magazine, website or even a public figure to make positive publicity about our product. The attention of the audience of these media is captured, the well-known “inbound links” are generated that will bring those interested to us and our company, and finally, once the advertising is done, our page or network will be registered in the file of those people who have entered thus attracting long-term clients. 40% of the users of different social networks affirm that they have entered the links that are shared by celebrities or well-known influencers, if they like it and then it works for others as well.

Another way to attract customers both in person and virtually is by attending events with the intent and objective of selling or providing a service for compensation. The pandemic that swept the world during these years did not allow these kinds of events to be held, whose objective is to generate profits on both sides, but online sales increased so much that these fairs began to be held through websites and also at a low cost.


You can also pay for advertising in traditional media such as television or radio, or pay to place ads for our venture in the most famous search engines such as YouTube, Instagram, Google, Facebook, Twitter, other blogs, etc.

Did you know? On instagram you have the possibility to advertise your posts and stories in different ways; A publication can be boosted, which would promote our product both generally and specifically, or use the Ads Manager (Facebook Ads) to specify and reduce our audience to certain groups for our convenience and benefit.

Xavier Sánchez can manage your advertising campaigns, including the development of the strategy, the budget, the designs and the analysis of the results. Inquire now!

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Gerard Heperd

Gerard Heperd
